Camera-Ready and Copyright Submission Instructions

Dear Authors,

Thanks for publishing your UbiSec 2024 papers with Springer CCIS.  Please make sure to submit your full package of files (with package name: conference/symposium/workshop acronym+paper ID+corresponding author to Prof. Guojun Wang (csgjwang AT gzhu DOT edu DOT cn) or (csgjwang AT 163 DOT com) by December 20, 2024 with any time zone. Please also pay the registration fees by December 20, 2024 with any time zone and promise to pay by December 30, 2024 with any time zone if you really have difficulty making the payment by December 20, 2024.
Important notices for your attention:

Each conference paper must not exceed 14 pages in Springer CCIS format (or up to 20 pages with an additional charge for extra pages - USD$50 per page), including tables, figures, references and appendices.

Here is the Checklist of your full package of files:

(1)The following is a URL link to the "Information for CCIS Authors" web page (Springer CCIS Author Kit) for The Fourth International Conference on Ubiquitous Security (UbiSec 2024):

We need the source files (LaTeX files with all the associated style files, special fonts and eps or bib files, or Word or rtf files) and the final PDF file of your camera-ready paper (final paper). There should be one set of source files and one PDF file per paper. Please strictly use the Latex Style files or WORD templates appeared in the above Springer CCIS Author Kit when preparing your camera-ready paper. Notice that your final PDF file should NOT contain any page numbers. Also notice that your final PDF file should NOT contain any running head. Also notice that the final PDF file MUST be exactly corresponding to the final source files. Also notice that your final PDF file should NOT be included in the sub-folder containing the set of source files if you use Latex, meaning that you should put these three files "FinalPaper.pdf", "Consent to Publish Form.pdf", and "additional information.txt", into the first-level folder (outside the Latex source files sub-folder).

(2)We need a "Consent to Publish form", signed by one author on behalf of all of the authors of the paper. Please download and sign this attached copyright form "LTP_ST_SN_Singapore". Do not use the version downloaded from Springer/CCIS website. In this form, please make sure that you will write down/fill in these fields as follows:

Title of the Proceedings Volume/Edited Book or Conference Name: The Fourth International Conference on Ubiquitous Security (UbiSec 2024)

Volume Editor(s) Name(s): Guojun Wang, Zheng Yan, Kuan-Ching Li and Yulei Wu

Proposed Title of the Contribution: Please write down/fill in the title of your accepted paper

Series: The Contribution may be published in the following series: Please check/select "CCIS"

Author(s) Full Name(s): Please write down/fill in the full list of all authors of your accepted paper

Corresponding Author Name: Please write down/fill in the corresponding author name of your accepted paper.

In the last page, please write down/fill in your Print Name, Address and Email, and then sign your name and date in ink.

Notice that we do not accept digital signatures, so please make sure that your Consent to Publish form will have been signed in ink. Please scan those two pages (i.e., the first page and the last page) of the form and then combine all pages into a PDF file. The file name can be "Consent to Publish form.pdf".

(3)The name and e-mail address of the contact author who will check the proof of the paper. Approximately one to two weeks after the Volume Editors send all of the files to Springer, the authors are given the opportunity to check the final PDF files of their papers. The contact author should be available to check the proof of the paper upon request in a timely way.

(4)A suggestion for an abbreviated running head, if appropriate. Please do not put any page numbers and/or running head in the paper. However, please suggest that you provide an abbreviated running head for your paper if the title of your paper is too long. The typesetting team at Springer will insert running heads, final page numbers, and a reference line at the bottom of the first page of each paper on all papers accordingly.

(5)Information about correct representation of authors' names, where necessary.

TIP 1: In the first page of your final paper, please indicate authors' names in the following way: First Name (Given Name) followed by Last Name (Family Name).

TIP 2: If your name contains complex family names, particles, or suffixes, please let us know what is your given name and what is your family name; otherwise, you don't need to let us know explicitly what is your given name and what is your family because we can easily identify them in the first page of your final paper.

(6)Please put the information about Item (3), Item (4), and Item (5) together in a text file within the full package of files. Please use "additional information.txt" as the filename to include such information.

(7)About the title of your paper: Please use upper case letter for the first letter of each word in the title; for prepositions and conjunctions such as "for" and "and", do not apply this rule, use lower case letter for the first letter of such words instead.

(8) About the keywords of your paper: Please provide 5-8 keywords for your paper. Please use semicolon (";") to separate between two keywords. Please follow the formatting rule to use "upper case first letter" for each word as in the title, except for propositions and conjunctions and the like. Notice that the "Keywords" section should be formatted the same as the "Abstract" section; the "Keywords" section should NOT be formatted the same as the "Introduction" section.

(9)About Affiliations: Please use either of the following sample formats (ZIP code right after the city name or after the country name):
Sample 1: School of Computer Science, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
Sample 2: School of Computer Science, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China, 510006

(10)Avoid to have large size figures, which increases the total size of the package of files. Please make sure that the total size of the package of files is less than 5MB, preferably less than 2MB.

(11) Avoid to use any footer in the first page of the paper. Your funding support numbers and/or other information should appear in the "Acknowledgments" section.

(12) Make sure to use .zip for compressing the package of files. Do not use .rar or .gz or any other compressed file formats.

(13) Do not send the package of files together with registration files. We have different people to deal with camera-ready submission and registration respectively.

(14)Avoid to use any footer in the first page of the paper. Your funding support numbers and/or other information should appear in the "Acknowledgments" section.

(15) If you want to have the "Acknowledgments" section, please make sure to use "Acknowledgments" other than "Acknowledgment" or "Acknowledgement" or "Acknowledgements". Notice that you should not have a section number associated with "Acknowledgments" section.

(16) Also notice that you should not have a section number associated with the "References" section.

(17) Please remove all page numbers and running heads (If you use LaTex, please see below P.S.1 for detail).

(18) If you want to point out who are corresponding author(s), please use a small envelope with superscript right after the person's name, and do not use "*" to denote corresponding authorship, and do not add "Corresponding Author" or similar text in the paper. (If you use LaTex, please see below P.S.2 for detail).

(19) Springer can now include ORCID for authors and editors of the proceedings. Please see and for more information. The ORCID is not mandatory, but we would like to encourage its inclusion in your final paper.

We will not accept your package of files if any of the above items is missing or not addressed well. Thanks for your attention!

Best regards,

Volume Editors

P.S. Two LaTex commands for your reference:

1) To remove all page numbers and running heads in LaTex, please use the command \pagestyle{empty} before the document begins.

For example:



2) To mark the corresponding author in the first page of the paper, you should use a small envelope. You can use the bbding package of LaTex, and use the command \inst{ (}\Envelope\inst{)} right after the name of the corresponding author, where is the number referring to different addresses or affiliations.

For example, Guojun Wang is the corresponding author and he is with the first affiliation, then it should be coded as follows:






\author{ Guojun Wang \inst{1 (}\Envelope\inst{)} }
